Yes, we are more or less the same as every other day, only something it is a bit different Isabel is gone, the friend who was coming once a week to help me with the chores of the house is now out of our life.
Instead we have Chari and Fabiola, who are really good doing their tasks very good.
So, another young woman has came to help me. From where?. Bolivia.
Chari, is her name as I said before, came to Spain the same form, without any papers just to work and earn more money than in her country.
What is happening in South America now?.
I do not really know. These persons works fast and well, why it is necessary for them to come here so far from their countries?.
Well may be despite here we are going now through bad times, this our European´s world after all has nothing to do with their world in South America.
Talking about our world, our Spanish world what can I say now?.
It is easy, more soon that later we will be again fighting against adversity, that is for sure.
Nothing good is coming for the year 2015 till the moment.
The wealthy countries of Europe are going to be poor once more.
The south is being left to their own luck, as a ship that is going deep to the sea, and north European ´s politics are looking to another side, not listening the shouts of help, help, of millions from the south.
Why? Who knows.
The building buble, the banks, the politicians, we, the people spending too much money than money that we could afford?. It could be just a Little of all, we thought the time of being not so rich were over but reality is coming faster every day.
Here, in my country politicians said continously that it is necessary to follow in the "State of good being"...."El estado del bien estar" but what is that?.
What is good being?. To have money to spend, to much money than we have? the subject than we have only rights but not any obligations? The rule of the less effort? Just that everything were for free?.
It seems to me that all these last years we have been living up our real situation. Listening so many lies we thought we were rich and spent too much euros that the amount we have.
But now we have to pay them.
Ir is impossible such amount, and we could pay only the interest of the loans,
what to do, just
to ask for more loans to pay the interest....and so on, year after year.....till when?.
Who knows, the debts are increasing and the saving decrease too much faster.
This past years 2012, 13 and 14 and so on have been so bad, but I think the year we are living now it could be even worst till the point no body knows, but politicians said it is going better.
But there is not enough work and thousand of youngs are out their country looking for a work.
I could not understand how so many young people have to be off from here, it is happening now in Spain the same situation than in South America some years before?.
More than 45 per cent of young people have not work, that is impossible of support for a country where are so many retired persons are living.
They need to go out from here, year after year, the same that I would do if I could be in the same situation.
But mine now it is completely different, not grandsons, or granddaughters, so the future of my
family stop with my daughters..., and fortunately till the momment they could work.
Well, it is too much for today, I am going to bed and I prefer not to think in future.
Tomorrow will be another day to live, and that is enough for the momento.....just to be alive.
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