lunes, 4 de julio de 2016


Where is the sun,

where is the sky,
where is my love.
where she has gone.
Far away from home
you need to go
what can I do
when you be not.
Too much to feel
too much to think
not now but soon
she will be not home.
Without you I must go
extrange I will feel
inside these extrange walls
when you will be not.

Sooner or later Cuca will be not here at home with me, I try not to think too much  about it, but ahead it is the real fact.
What will I do, not any idea but it is sure that the house will be not home any  more.
Multiple Sclerosis is making it´s bad work inside her and after resisting me for  a long time at last it has been necessary to ask for a nursing where she could  receive a good care.
Doctor said me that once and again, so finally after talking with the social assistant  and listening to her I gave my arm twisted and have done what they told me.
May be a year of waiting, six months, I don´t really know but little by little my  mind is accepting the idea of letting her going out home.
In some way it is possible she could be better than here but not me that start  to miss her before the fact happens.


domingo, 3 de julio de 2016



It is obvious I like to write, so having in mind this subject I have been opening another blogs.
Every one of them talks about different topics.
What are the links, here they are:

If you take a look to them I would be very grateful

thank you.

jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015


Froehliche Weihnachten und ein gluckliches Neues Jahr
Feliz ñavida y provechosu añu nuevu
Shuvo Baro Din
Nedeleg laouen na bloav ezh mat
Vesela Koleda I chestita Nova Godina
Seng Dan Fai Lok, Sang Nian Fai Lok
Bon nadal i feliç any nou!
Geseende Kerfees en 'n gelukkige nuwe jaar
I'D Mubarak ous Sana Saida
Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand
Felices navidaes y prósperu añu nuevu
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Pace e salute
Glaedelig Jul
Colo sana wintom tiebeen
Jutdlime pivdluarit ukiortame pivdluaritlo
Vesele Vianoce. A stastlivy Novy Rok
Vesele bozicne praznike in srecno novo leto
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Gajan Kristnaskon
Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi
Zorionak eta Urte Berri On
Cristmas-e-shoma mobarak bashad
Hyvää Joulua or Hauskaa Joulua
Zalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig nieuw jaar
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ur
Nadolig LLawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Bo Nadal e feliz aninovo
Kala Christougenna Kieftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos
Mele Kalikimaka
Mo'adim Lesimkha. Shana Tova
Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket & Boldog Új Évet
Selamat Hari Natal
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
Nollaig Shona Dhuit
Gledileg Jol og Farsaelt Komandi ar
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto
Natale hilare et Annum Nuovo!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus un Laimi'gu Jauno Gadu
Linksmu Kaledu
Streken Bozhik
Selamat Hari Natal
Nixtieklek Milied tajjeb u is-sena t-tabja
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Ta
Meri Kirihimete
Zul saryn bolon shine ony mend devshuulye
God Jul og Godt Nyttår
Polit nadal e bona annada
Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas na Nupela yia i go long yu
Tok Pisin 

Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Mata-Ki-Te-Rangi. Te-Pito-O-Te-Henua
Sarbatori vesele
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom
ciid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican
Wilujeng Natal Sareng Warsa Enggal
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
ºKrismas Njema Na Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº
Suksan Wan Christmas lae Sawadee Pee Mai
Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Veseloho Vam Rizdva i Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku!
Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle Nonyaka Omusha Onempumelelo

el gatufo 

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015


Interesting or scary, imagine a world where no one ages?. Where people could live for hundreds of years  as long as THEY WANT IF THER IS NOT a violent death.

As THEY would be protected for such a thing does not happen?. And births would be the same?. The earth would be so crowded that there would be NOT enough to feed people who do not permanently die and whose number is increasing with new births.

Until WHAT age could procreate?. And work?. Over several hundred years could be different and we would go accumulating work experience, experience nonstop. Perhaps it again, without bodily deterioration, the status of the "major" detentarían wisdom?. As Yoda?.

All this sounds like science fiction, it is difficult to imagine a life without death or hundreds of years. Our mind is not used to that idea very early because we know we will die and that AT certain age WE WILL begin to age.

This article, taken from the Madrid press, ABC., And signed by Cristina G. Lucio I find extremely interesting and makes the imagination run wild imagining possible futures.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Cristina G. Lucio | Madrid ABC
Science has long been trying to find the key that opens the door to aging. Knowing which is the engine that leads to early wrinkles and gray temples returns help combat various age-related disorders. However, by the time the fuse that ignites the decay of the body continues to remain in the shadows.
Research published this week in the journal 'Nature' could give an interesting clue to advance your quest. According to his data, the role of the hypothalamus could be key.
This region of the brain, whose role is key in the regulation of temperature, sleep or hunger, would also be the place where you activate the processes involved in aging.

Hormones and inflammation

In studies in mice, scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York (USA) have shown that the hypothalamus works in this case as if it were an alarm clock set. Eventually, a chain active inflammatory processes involving hormonal and ultimately, they start aging.
Specifically, researchers have found that over time, increases the activity of NF-kB molecule in the brain and, especially, in the hypothalamus. This molecule is involved in processes 'defense' and inflammation and its role in controlling the expression of DNA during aging has been demonstrated.
Activation of NF-kB leads, in turn, various alterations in hormonal, lead, among other ways, to reduce levels of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), which is synthesized and released in neurons hypothalamus.
This reduction in your appearance is what, according to investigators, contributing to the first signs of aging. So, say, decreased GnRH directly influences factors such as memory loss, atrophy of the skin or muscle strength decline, they say.

A 'stopwatch' brain

In fact, to check the veracity of this hypothesis, RESEARCHERS this hormone administered to mice which had begun aging process, which led them to confirm that it was getting slow the process.
"It is not unreasonable to think that the hypothalamus acts as a timer in the case of aging and that their role is crucial in marking other cycles, such as wakefulness and sleep," says Angel Berbel, coordinator Neurogeriatría study group of Spanish Society of Neurology.
However, the expert notes that it is too early to draw definitive conclusions in this regard. "There are many other lines of research in this direction. Besides inflammation, also is studying whether the first signs of aging are due to hyperoxidation or certain DNA changes that the body is able to repair," he says.
"Animal studies are an important step in the investigation, but we have to wait for their conclusions are reaffirmed in other jobs," he concludes.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Thanks Cristina, your articles always ARE interesting to read fascinates me, it certainly opens a promising future? or rather scary?. Death does not like to almost anyone, but life centuries? millennial? who would like?. It seems a bit boring to live many years.
Would be funny young kept for years without really knowing the years lived with a new partner, a new girlfriend, that even we could double to triple what the age, really shocking.

IT give me some creepy imagine a society without "major" aspect that age, we find it easier NOW to identify the young in appearance like the old man for his authentic look of deterioration, some more than others but WE well always know who we face regarding his years.
OLD slower maintaining  a good health?.
THATS Okay, that's what I'm in, but nonetheless grow old and die is just a fact of life.

There is no life without death, without renewal. The rest is creepy.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


Hoy ha sido un día glorioso de risas y bromas. No hay nada mejor que reírnos de nosotros mismos y aguantar las bromas bien intencionadas de los amigos o personas que comparten una tarde con nosotros.

Nuestra tarde ha sido compartida por Chari, Hugo y Daniel, desde las seis y media pasadas hasta las doce.
Hugo viene desde Murcia para ver a su pareja, Chari, madre de Daniel, Gabriel y Fabiola, que ya han cumplido los veinte años y alguno más.
No obstante Chari es muy joven, tiene un humor estupendo y su amigo Hugo no le va a la zaga.
Con el yo me rio mucho, aguanta muy bien mis bromas y chascarrillos sobre cualquier cosa que nos cuenta, enseguida a el se le pega y comienza también a seguirme el rastro con humor y buen rollito.
Con nosotros cuatro estaba Cuca que miraba asombrada el manejo de todos los juguetes electrónicos inimaginables que yo les iba enseñando y trataba de venderles.

A Daniel un móvil estupendo HTC One que yo ya no utilizo, y haciendo comparaciones le comentaba a Hugo que el suyo, un Samsung Note 2, era un birria.

Núremberg   Alemania

Por supuesto que no es cierto, de hecho tengo uno y va genial, pero me reía con el de la palabra utilizada "birria" que no "birra" (cerveza), y manipulando los teléfonos tratábamos de sintonizar un smart-watch que teóricamente debería de vender a Hugo.
Y haciendo pruebas y mas pruebas, entrábamos y salíamos de la habitación. No es imaginable lo que habremos gastado en llamadas de pruebas, menos mal que es sábado y son casi gratis.

Núremberg  Alemania

Hugo dudaba y dudaba, no acababa de decidirse, y al final se lo lleva en préstamo para que lo pruebe y lo enseñe a sus compañeros a ver si se animan y hacemos algún pequeño negocio.

Daniel ha quedado encantado con su móvil nuevo y enseguida se ha decidido en el trato.

Cuca flipaba con nuestro chalaneo, el mío sobre todo, y pensaba que: ¿Cuándo íbamos a ver una película?.

Y si, la hemos visto, "El Nombre de la Rosa" que nos ha gustado mucho a todos a pesar de que algunos ya la habíamos visto mas de una vez.

Del buen cine uno nunca se cansa al igual que de la buena literatura.

Hace un rato se han ido a su casa y sinceramente la tarde ha transcurrido de una forma muy grata.

Nada mejor que reírse cuanto más mejor, y no es precisamente porque estos amigos lo tengan fácil, en absoluto, pues Chari trabaja de lo lindo para sacar a sus hijos para delante.
Hugo tiene un trabajo muy duro en Murcia recolectando naranjas y limones en jornadas exhaustivas que cobra por horas trabajadas.

Hoy la vida resulta dura para muchas personas que como ellos han venido de Latino América para establecerse con nosotros, también para infinidad de españoles nativos, pero si amenizamos nuestras veladas con risas y buen humor todo se nos hace mas fácil.
Jóvenes y mayores juntos, intercambiando ideas, frases, aparatos, conocimientos, y buenos ratos. Justo lo necesario para olvidarnos de problemas y malos rollos.

Gracias amigos por una velada formidable en vuestra compañía.


jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015



What for? am I waiting.

Good question my friend, but I have not any answer, I know I am waiting since several years, just since the moment It was evident I was getting old.

My body is old, my legs pains, my arms pains, my mind pains too and so I am one day and another.

So yes, I am waiting,  to be beter?.
No, my God, that could be in other life but not in this one. What could I wait for it would be being worst every single month or year that I could live.

So, waiting what for?

I don´t wat to think deeply about that question, even I don´t want to answer it, may be my reply should be very sad.

In fact every day I am doing silly things that doesn´t produce any good result, buying things I don´t need, surfing by internet several hours a day, writing which ever single subject I think about, like this one, listening new classical music, reading a new book, and what is the better job looking after my dear Cuca who needs my help.
Doing such a lot of things the days pass away very fast and I do not think about what am I waiting for.

When my mother was living her last years she was in a big building in company of several other old people. 
The majority of them were very old and their minds were not so good.

Nearly all of them were sitting on their chairs looking in front of them, seeing nothing, doing nothing, just waiting the food, waiting their pills, waiting for some relative who comes and visit them, a son, a daughter, a friend, a grand daughter or son, but the majority of the days, nobody comes to see them.

So, they were waiting, and waiting, their faces sad without any emotion on them, only if you say something to them they smile and once again remains on their seats without moving.
When I saw these persons my impression always was that they were awaiting the death.

They were aside of society, just parked like broken old cars that have been left by drivers who looks for a new one.
These people have move for long and they are just too old for be used by the society.

I don´t want to think I am also an old car, broken, too old, that is waiting for just die.

But evidently I am that old car that doesn´t stop because just in the moment it remains sill it will be parked like the people I saw visiting my dear mother in that sad place.




Huyamos lejos de todo

Todo va bien o mejor, millones de españoles y extranjeros han aprovechado la semana santa para generar caja en hoteles, restaurantes, gasolineras, autopistas, chiringuitos de playa, y de paso crear miles de puestos de trabajo instantáneos que se esfumaran tan pronto pase la ola de ciudadanos ansiosos por salir de sus casas, de su rutina, de aguantarse mutuamente dentro de cuatro paredes harto conocidas.

No importa aguantar cientos de kilómetros de caravana, sufrir los rigores del tiempo que nunca es previsible. Te asfixias, te congelas o te calas hasta los huesos.

Este año ha habido suerte y todos estamos contentos pues el clima ha respondido con días de sol, temperaturas agradables y millones de desplazados llenando las arcas vacías de los lugares ansiosos por recibirlos.

Vamos a la playa, a la montaña, al apartamento, a New York,
Italia, o cualquier lugar en el que podamos olvidarnos de la pesadez cotidiana de aguantarnos en casa, en la oficina, en el trabajo, cuando lo hay, o simplemente sumergirnos en un ambiente distinto que nos propicie un ansiado y efímero cambio.

Cuatro días de descanso en los que el ansia general es huir, escapar, evadirse, viajar, o visitar aquel lugar que tenemos siempre pendiente de ver.
Los menos son los que efectivamente descansan quedándose en su sitio, no escapando, simplemente paseando por calles y parques vacíos en los que reina el silencio.

Los edificios  quedan deshabitados y los cacos hace su agosto.

En el mío por ejemplo de once vecinos hemos permanecido en casa a lo sumo dos, y si en algún momento los dos coincidimos en salir de paseo justo en ese lapso de tiempo el edificio permanece absolutamente vacío a merced de cualquier evento inesperado.

Antaño se disparaba la alarma de alguna fábrica u oficina y permanecía sonando durante los cuatro días del merecido descanso de sus trabajadores.

¿Cuantos edificios habrán quedado sin sus habitantes?.
Difícil de imaginar aunque supongo que muchos, demasiados, demostrando la general estupidez de un huida masiva huyendo de la rutina cotidiana que nos empuja hacia cualquier parte.

Por necesidad me toco estar en un lugar de playa durante cuatro años mientras construían mi casa. De ciento cincuenta mil habitantes durante el invierno se pasaban repentinamente a millón y medio en semana santa.

Un alfiler que cayera de punta sobre la playa no se clavaria en la arena, lo haría en la carne de algún bañista o a lo sumo en su toalla.
Un auténtico infierno que duraba seis o siete días y del que deseaba evadirme como fuera.
La solución siempre era hacer compra para ocho o diez días y no pisar un comercio ni por supuesto la orilla del mar en los cuatro días álgidos de invasión masiva.

Cuando llovía daba pena ver a tantísima gente desorientada, sin saber que hacer, refugiándose en algún bar y mirando el cielo por ver si escampaba.
No habrían estado mejor en sus casa, me preguntaba, sin hallar una respuesta razonable.

Y se fomenta, interesa que todos salgan, que gasten, que se genere consumo masivo.
Dicen que así la economía crece, los trabajos (efímeros) aumentan y luego te apabullan con cifras de llenos al ciento por ciento.

Maravilloso, medito, que bien se está en casa, en mi ciudad, paseando por parques desiertos o aparcando donde a uno le venga en gana y ver una buena película sin ningún agobio multitudinario.

el gatufo